Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tests were done Friday

I had my tests done on Friday. Ultrasound of my ovary and my mammogram. The radiologist slipped and muttered something out loud "That's not a cyst, I don't know what that is" and then wouldn't tell me anything else. Thanks lady for giving me all weekend to think about this. Luckily I've had some good distractions this weekend including a fun game night. But, when I am alone with my thoughts I am wondering what the doctor is going to tell me when she calls tomorrow. IF she calls tomorrow. She better call tomorrow. Is it something? Nothing? I also wonder if I'll get a call back on my mammogram. Not sure why I even think I will. Hubs says I am being pessimistic - I am just a worrier, always have been.

Oh and Friday night I landed my damn butt back in the hospital. SO SICK of that place. I was having pain on my left side pretty bad. Any time I moved it was making me tear up. I was not going to say a word and just grin and bear it because I really didn't want to go back. But… my babysitter ratted me out (and I am not mad - grateful you care about me) to her mom (my friend) and she came over and took me in. Didn't really give me a choice about it either. Good friend that one - she's a keeper. :) But I am probably as sick of going to the hospital as she is of taking me there. Gotta stay away from that place!

The doctor couldn't find anything wrong and I have to tell you…. the look she gave me told me she now thinks I am a an addict looking for pain meds. I wasn't given anything for pain and sent home. The look said it all - since the blood work said I was fine then it was in my head. I'm not crazy… at least I don't think I am. It hurts a lot less now but I also spent all weekend not picking up the kids. I am starting to think I perhaps have some sort of hernia that I aggravated without knowing it. I am going to try my hardest not to pick the kids up - very hard when you're alone with them all day long.

Hoping tomorrow brings some good news so I can stop worrying that there may be something wrong with me. Well, something ELSE wrong with me. Spending the morning with my friend and then watching another friend's daughter after school (will take the kids to the park if it's nice out) which is good - I won't be sitting around waiting for the phone to ring.

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